(画像ビューア)Simple-Type photo ViewerのVer.1を公開

「Simple-Type photo Viewer」という画像ビューアを公開しました。「Windows 10」専用で「Microsoft Store」からダウンロードできます(フリーソフトです)。

Simple-Type photo Viewerの画像



“(画像ビューア)Simple-Type photo ViewerのVer.1を公開” への2件の返信

  1. Hello,
    I set up “Folder permisions” for my user folders on both of my drives. But still in some subfolders I cannot go to the next picture in that folder by using the arrow. This is frustrating. I don’t need that “Folder permission” thing. Is there any way that your software won’t check those permissions and allow to go throug all pictures in current folder anyware on any drive?

    • Hello.
      All images cannot be displayed without setting “Folder access permission”.
      This is a security specification for software that can be distributed in the Microsoft Store (*).
      * Files can be accessed freely with special permission from Microsoft. However, this software did not give permission.
      Therefore, please set “Folder access permission” to the root folder of the drive such as “C: \”.


メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です
